Imogen Heap..
Esta mujer es increíble..!
(Referido por: Iván Damirón.)
Esta mujer es increíble..!
(Referido por: Iván Damirón.)
scribbled by luijo at 6:38 PM 1 comment(s)
No recuerdo si fuí yo quien escribió esto.. o quizá lo copié de por ahí porque, por alguna razón extraña, lo habré encontrado curioso. Lo acabo de descubrir mientras organizaba unos archivos y me dieron ganas de compartirlo:
You ever think that maybe there's this all powerful being who copied the original universe and made another one to test out stuff? Stuff like, what if all of a sudden the whole United States, all the cities and everyone else just dissappeared from the earth and just the empty land was left, what would happen?, like would Canada claim it as part of their territory?, or would Mexico? would there be a great mexican-canadian war over it? how long would they be too freaked out to even go into the territory for fear of disappearing themselves? Would some other country be braver and get ahead of them and take it instead?, or would it be divided among a bunch of powerful countries, and if so, who would get Hawaii and who would get Alaska? ...
And what if everyone else vanished instead? would the US take over the world?, or would people try and claim the territories their families originally came from? Would the world stay just one country? Would people become richer due to less people in the world to spread the resources out?, and how would they explain the disappearances? How many religions would spring up or vanish over this? ...
And what if this universe is one of those test-out-stuff universes? like a "what would happen if we took a race of humans, originally slaves, to a much more developed race, and gave them a nice blue planet full of resources all to themselves?" universe ... also, that being would probably want to experience his universe first-hand, so he would probably copy himself into it as an unknowing person ... ever think maybe you're that unknowing person? ...
I do.
scribbled by luijo at 4:15 PM 6 comment(s)
Iba a hacer un post sobre el concierto de Silvio Rodríguez al que asistí, acompañado de algunos los mayores de mi mundo (aunque Paola se aburriera y se fuera temprano.. inculta! te quiero! :P), pero encontré uno mucho mejor que el que yo pudiera haber escrito, de la autoría de Don Mario Bergés..
De más está decir que el concierto fué increíble.. que me sabía 80% de las canciones.. y que me pasé más del 40% del tiempo con la piel erizada..
"¡Grande Silvio!"